Multi Company Accounting Software

Easily manage your multiple company accounting

Accounting Data can mean a lot in any business and it is very important to run business successfully. With the plethora of information we can compile, it can be a game-changer in how a business is built and managed.

By continually analyzing the accounting data we can get to know

  1. Company Liability
  2. Review of Assets and Inventory
  3. Amount spent in relation to our budget
  4. Threats and steps to make multiple businesses to progress on the right path

Accounting software helps to easily manage accounting data of multiple businesses. No more difficulty in inter transactions between multiple companies of one’s own.

Multiple company accounting with single login

Every entrepreneur running Multiple businesses will have Multiple goals which is to be achieved to reach greater heights. Managing multiple business accounting as a team is far better than managing as an individual.

Best accounting software

  • Supports a virtually unlimited number of companies / entities within the same database.
  • Allows switching between companies within the software without logging out each time.
  • Provides multiple company ledgers.
  • Supports multiple currency.
  • Consolidates financials across entities.

Output Books-Multi company accounting

Output books allows to manage multi company accounting under a single database. Manage multi company ledgers including multi-currency and drill around them at will.

Navigate to various companies from a single login.

Group reports for multiple company’s ledger, payables, receivables, creditors, debtors are available.
You can export the group reports in csv format.

Also, Multiple users can login and work as a team to excel in business.

Switching to databases for each company? Output Books allows to navigate to other companies from the single account.

What are you waiting for! Jump in

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